Security Operations

The Dell has contracted with an exclusive security provider for all event-related security, ushering and ticket taking. Dell management and its security contractor will coordinate security needs with your event, but will maintain control of security operations at all times. Dell security, ushers and ticket takers are uniformed at all times and are equipped with flashlights. The use of Philadelphia Police is required for all events. Renters will enter into an agreement with the Police Department for coverage during all events. The level of coverage will be determined by the Dell and Philadelphia Police based on the number of tickets sold. The venue will coordinate security coverage.

Search & Re-entry

Anyone entering The Dell may be subject to a physical search and/or metal detection. If a guest does not wish to be inspected, he or she may be denied entry into the venue. Once a guest exits the building, they may be denied re-entry without a full ticket. The Dell reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy.

Guest Conduct

The Dell Music Center strives to provide its guests with a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable atmosphere. To accomplish this, the following guidelines have been established:

  • Guest interfering with other guest’ ability to enjoy the event may be subject to ejection.
  • Guest using foul or abusive language, or inappropriate or unacceptable gestures may be ejected.
  • Guest appearing impaired may be ejected from the venue and/or turned over to the Philadelphia Police.

Emergency Equipment

Smoke sensors and fire extinguishers are located throughout the dressing room and stage house area. An emergency generator will provide backup sound and light power in case of a power failure.

First Aid Services

The Dell will supply all emergency medical staffing for events at an additional charge. The Dell has contracted with an exclusive provider for all building events. A First Aid area is located in a designated area in the venue.


At all times when the Dell is open to the public, all exit doors must be unlocked, and access must be unobstructed. This venue is compliant with the American Disabilities Act of 1990. In additional to handicap parking spaces in the front parking lot, patrons using wheelchairs will be able to enter and exit the venue thru the front gates, easily with conveniently located ramps. There are portable bathrooms for handicap patrons adjacent to section BB.


For the comfort and convenience of our guest, The Dell Music Center is a non-smoking facility. This policy is strictly enforced.

Prohibited Items

The following items are not permitted in The Dell; cans, bottle (plastic or glass) alcoholic beverages, food, weapons, controlled substance, controlled substance paraphernalia, video, or still cameras, audio recording devices, large bags or backpacks. The Dell reserves the right to restrict items based on the National Terrorist Threat Level.


The scalping of tickets or selling of illegal merchandise is prohibited by The City of Philadelphia, Dell Music Center.